posted ago by cathole953 ago by cathole953 +14 / -0

Something I've been pondering on for a while. Post cabal, what're the odds we see mass legal immigration from Europe, Canada, Australia, parts of Africa, etc. to the USA post cabal?

My reasoning is quite simple. After pretty much every major global event in history, the USA has seen a mass influx of European, Canadian, and occasionally Australian immigrants seeking a new lease on life in the land of opportunity.

For those looking for a specific example, look at both World Wars, The Irish Potatoe Famine, the Napoleonic wars, etc. Pretty much every major world event has seen a mass influx of legal immigrants into the United States.

I know some want all immigration to stop after we finally deport all the illegals, but realistically, we have to let SOME immigration. Assuming some of my other theories are right, and the white hats are basically using mass formation to transform the sheeple herds from being liberal zombie drones, to 1950s/1960s esque conservative Christian patriotic American "drones", this would still take at least a decade or two for the second baby boom to show it's fruits. (I'm assuming part of this mass formation would be instigating a second baby boom via an infinitely improved economy and return to traditional Christian values).

In the meantime, we'd still have to have SOME immigration or else we'd end up like Japan with an aging population, and a massive population crunch that leads to all the problems they're dealing with.

Hence, allowing and encouraging legal immigration from Europe, Canada, and Australia. Think about it? All the people who have suffered under the cabal tyranny and now know the value of freedom provided by the United States. Not to mention the mass influx of Christian Immigrants who have more or less been ostracized and oppressed under these people.

Even if their countries straighten up post cabal, they'll probably never fully trust them again. Then look over here. Even WITH our government corrupted to the max, our freedoms were mostly protected over here and they're still struggling to do anything of note. Hence, it would appeal to the oppressed freedom loving and Christian Europeans, Australians, Canadians, etc. to immigrate to the United States for future protection and peace of mind as well as fellowship with like minded individuals.

Plus, if Trump and others are to be believed, America is about to enter a new Golden Age of prosperity, and I'd imagine these same people would want a piece of that action. Just like what happened at the turn of the century with the industrial revolution. All of the industrialists and savvy businessmen moving here to make their fortune, Scrooge McDuck style.

Not saying this is an absolute future, but I do think it's a possibility given what knowledge we do have from both history and what we've been told about the present/future. I certainly wouldn't complain about basically living in the 1920s-1960s but with modern technology.

Feel free to discuss or give your own ideas of what may happen.