I still check PW often, but this is exactly why I never really scroll past the first page. Let's see what's stickied, OK, moving on. Fucking place is infested with resident shills and doomtards.
most conservatives are doomtards today. Went to a company party last night that's mostly conservatives & republicans. They were dooming their asses off. They are afraid because they don't know how fucking amazing this movie is right now, even when the characters arcs become more and more obvious. But maybe it's only obvious because we are on the other side.
The fear runs deep. I am actually scared about how easy it is to scare people.
Constantly checking myself to make sure I do not buy into any fear from and direction.
Americans have internalized fear. From the time we were toddlers, we’ve been fed fear on the news every single day of our lives. We’ve been fed fear in commercials every day of our lives. People are scared to take paid time off at work because they’re afraid that if the company can get along without them for a week, they’ll get the axe. People are (rightfully) afraid of natural disasters. People are (rightfully) afraid of crime. People are (rightfully) afraid of being one paycheck away from homelessness, because the bulk of the country has less than five hundred dollars in savings. People are (rightfully) afraid of not having the $$$ for a medical emergency. The whole country runs on fear 24/7, cradle to grave. This is by design, because this is how they control us. Once you realize all this, it’s easier to extricate yourself from it all, and put your faith in something higher than Uncle Sam.
My thought exactly. Biden was getting ready to announce his plan to run again and the powers that be said "get rid of this puppet".
I still check PW often, but this is exactly why I never really scroll past the first page. Let's see what's stickied, OK, moving on. Fucking place is infested with resident shills and doomtards.
most conservatives are doomtards today. Went to a company party last night that's mostly conservatives & republicans. They were dooming their asses off. They are afraid because they don't know how fucking amazing this movie is right now, even when the characters arcs become more and more obvious. But maybe it's only obvious because we are on the other side.
The fear runs deep. I am actually scared about how easy it is to scare people. Constantly checking myself to make sure I do not buy into any fear from and direction.
Americans have internalized fear. From the time we were toddlers, we’ve been fed fear on the news every single day of our lives. We’ve been fed fear in commercials every day of our lives. People are scared to take paid time off at work because they’re afraid that if the company can get along without them for a week, they’ll get the axe. People are (rightfully) afraid of natural disasters. People are (rightfully) afraid of crime. People are (rightfully) afraid of being one paycheck away from homelessness, because the bulk of the country has less than five hundred dollars in savings. People are (rightfully) afraid of not having the $$$ for a medical emergency. The whole country runs on fear 24/7, cradle to grave. This is by design, because this is how they control us. Once you realize all this, it’s easier to extricate yourself from it all, and put your faith in something higher than Uncle Sam.