Because the fear of loss is a greater motivator than the hope of gain. 🚔👮♂️🚓
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IMO, when you bribe someone you're buying them in a sense... But when you blackmail them, you're threatening them in some manner... To destroy their political career, their marriage, their societal influence etc... Hence, blackmail is a more potent use of manipulation...
Yup, when you Buy someone, they'll do one or two things, and then ask for more Bribe Money....
Whereas Blackmail is direct Enslavement, and you then OWN their ass, and if they say NO, you end their Soft Cushy Life....
except once they take your bribe, you can then blackmail them! So both owns you for life..
Maybe, if you can get it on Video, or at least a Check Stub or Cancelled check, but Cash is hard to track....