I call them pea-brains. That's about the size of it, ha. I've seen them fight over a plastic wrapper. Fight over one piece of food when there's plenty for all, everyone going for that one piece. Fly over the fence then can't get back into the chicken yard by flying back the way the came out, over the fence. They go back and forth down the fence line trying to find a way in, or try to force themselves the tiniest little gap. Hide in the corner of the yard at dusk thinking that will protect them from Mr. & Mrs. Coon but run like a roadrunner away from me when I try to catch them and put them into the coop so they will be actually safe.
They are very, very social. They have their own language and on one hand, care about each other (calling out if one of theirs is missing), but on the other hand can push others out of the flock. Maybe there's a reason, survival of the strongest, perhaps.
Chickens are a great gateway to farm animals. I hesitated at first, because I thought it would require a lot of work and I was busy with young kids at home. But they are very easy. The hard part is predators, that has always been a battle for me (hawks, racoons, dogs). Some areas have snakes that will sneak in the coop and grab chicks.
I call them pea-brains. That's about the size of it, ha. I've seen them fight over a plastic wrapper. Fight over one piece of food when there's plenty for all, everyone going for that one piece. Fly over the fence then can't get back into the chicken yard by flying back the way the came out, over the fence. They go back and forth down the fence line trying to find a way in, or try to force themselves the tiniest little gap. Hide in the corner of the yard at dusk thinking that will protect them from Mr. & Mrs. Coon but run like a roadrunner away from me when I try to catch them and put them into the coop so they will be actually safe.
They are very, very social. They have their own language and on one hand, care about each other (calling out if one of theirs is missing), but on the other hand can push others out of the flock. Maybe there's a reason, survival of the strongest, perhaps.
I joke that we don't need cable tv or netflix. We pull up a chair and watch the chickens.
Chickens are a great gateway to farm animals. I hesitated at first, because I thought it would require a lot of work and I was busy with young kids at home. But they are very easy. The hard part is predators, that has always been a battle for me (hawks, racoons, dogs). Some areas have snakes that will sneak in the coop and grab chicks.