The amount of eggs per week depends on the breed. I have 25 hens of about 10 different types (and 3 roosters and 2 ducks) and i am getting roughly a dozen a day. They go through a 20 dollar bag of feed in a little over a week. The initial investment can be pretty high with a coop and fencing etc. I built a really nice coop and fenced in about an acre for them. Necessary in my area as there are lots of predators. I will probably never recoup the investment but i am at ease knowing that in the worst case scenario me and my family will always have something to eat.
Questions for the chicken owners - how many eggs do they lay each per week?
Do you sell the excess?
Does the cost for them and their upkeep exceed the egg profit?
The amount of eggs per week depends on the breed. I have 25 hens of about 10 different types (and 3 roosters and 2 ducks) and i am getting roughly a dozen a day. They go through a 20 dollar bag of feed in a little over a week. The initial investment can be pretty high with a coop and fencing etc. I built a really nice coop and fenced in about an acre for them. Necessary in my area as there are lots of predators. I will probably never recoup the investment but i am at ease knowing that in the worst case scenario me and my family will always have something to eat.
have you looked at growing fodder?