Imagine having a conference that has the goal of the betterment of all mankind, then imagine needing an army to keep away all those on the entire planet opposed to bettering all of mankind.
It never crosses their minds as they are so bent on making themselves gods on Earth they cannot see that mass starvation, plagues and endless wars do nothing to help humanity, only their twisted version of it.
Imagine having a conference that has the goal of the betterment of all mankind, then imagine needing an army to keep away all those on the entire planet opposed to bettering all of mankind.
It never crosses their minds as they are so bent on making themselves gods on Earth they cannot see that mass starvation, plagues and endless wars do nothing to help humanity, only their twisted version of it.
"Hans, are we the baddies?"
If there were such a thing as a "super" upvote, and you could only have one given out at any given time, I'd give it to this post.