When you think that our lifespan would normally be in the 70s-80s, and then you realize you're a 34 yr old ticking myocardial time bomb, that tends to change the compass. I feel for them, especially those who weren't given a choice. Having said that, I could get hit by a short bus tomorrow. We only get what we get. But fight till the end, or it was a worthless experience.
When you think that our lifespan would normally be in the 70s-80s, and then you realize you're a 34 yr old ticking myocardial time bomb, that tends to change the compass. I feel for them, especially those who weren't given a choice. Having said that, I could get hit by a short bus tomorrow. We only get what we get. But fight till the end, or it was a worthless experience.
For it is written "man's days are about 120 years".
We die young because they designed it that way.
Where is that written?