Cates is right. Everyone in the "black hats are taking Biden out" camp aren't thinking this through. If it was the why not get him to step aside cleanly and quietly, like Pope Benedict XVI. Why so messy, with a huge scandal, like this? I agree, from the beginning, this reeks like a white hat op!

Why would BH's be taking this route? One reason, they know it isn't the real Biden, and this is the safest way to take care of him without seriously damaging the left, they can claim age, "the lone wolf" syndrome, whatever. They dare not publicly reveal that an actor in disguise has been President, it would show their compliance in the action and it would ruin them into perpetuity. Better to go this route, why else would Garland start an investigation based on information that just happens to pop up now, not to mention the alacrityof announcing an investigation, this loser lollygagged on everything else that was lefty oriented. The question is now, who will be picked for VP aka the next real President and VP?
Brian is a still shallow thinker.