The problem for We The People, is they go in under the banner of NATO. They have done this in multiple countries, ie Haiti recently and I bet Brazil real soon, unless they are already in there. This is how they bring about REGIME CHANGE. They cause the problem, create a danger ie, Taliban,ISIS, Boko Haram, and in Ukraine AZOV where the people witnessed terrible crimes which are blamed on either the current gov or another perceived outside threat. They usually use the youth to create protests etc. and soon after that they have riots etc., where the current leader is put under pressure to resign.
Then comes the fake elections where a puppet government is installed and bingo, regime change. They then go in, plunder the resources of a nation and next thing the country is staring at 3rd world poverty. The Pentagon and some in congress are desperate to destroy Russia. But Russia is well and truly prepared. There is a reason why Putin is massing troops and weapons, tanks etc. in Belarus. When Ukraine goes belly up - and it will, Poland intend to sweep in and claim part of Ukraine which borders Russia. Poland is a NATO Member. Ukraine is not. Having NATO on Russia's border is NOT going to happen.
Now think backwards and come forward on the timeline from when 45 became President. They (globalists) instigated regime change visa stolen election. The BLM riots. The breaking of Americas back deliberately by casting Farmers as evil. The buying up of huge tracts of farmland. Attack on the 2nd Amendment. Attack on free speech. The crushing of religion and a new religion x 2 - climate change and covid. None of this is by accident. There is a deliberate attempt to bring America to its knees and where is your military?? Not protecting your border, but plying the most corrupt nation in Europe with weapons that American taxpayers are paying to murder innocent civilians in the Donbas. And still Zelensky wants more. But that’s another story.
The problem for We The People, is they go in under the banner of NATO. They have done this in multiple countries, ie Haiti recently and I bet Brazil real soon, unless they are already in there. This is how they bring about REGIME CHANGE. They cause the problem, create a danger ie, Taliban,ISIS, Boko Haram, and in Ukraine AZOV where the people witnessed terrible crimes which are blamed on either the current gov or another perceived outside threat. They usually use the youth to create protests etc. and soon after that they have riots etc., where the current leader is put under pressure to resign.
Then comes the fake elections where a puppet government is installed and bingo, regime change. They then go in, plunder the resources of a nation and next thing the country is staring at 3rd world poverty. The Pentagon and some in congress are desperate to destroy Russia. But Russia is well and truly prepared. There is a reason why Putin is massing troops and weapons, tanks etc. in Belarus. When Ukraine goes belly up - and it will, Poland intend to sweep in and claim part of Ukraine which borders Russia. Poland is a NATO Member. Ukraine is not. Having NATO on Russia's border is NOT going to happen.
Now think backwards and come forward on the timeline from when 45 became President. They (globalists) instigated regime change visa stolen election. The BLM riots. The breaking of Americas back deliberately by casting Farmers as evil. The buying up of huge tracts of farmland. Attack on the 2nd Amendment. Attack on free speech. The crushing of religion and a new religion x 2 - climate change and covid. None of this is by accident. There is a deliberate attempt to bring America to its knees and where is your military?? Not protecting your border, but plying the most corrupt nation in Europe with weapons that American taxpayers are paying to murder innocent civilians in the Donbas. And still Zelensky wants more. But that’s another story.
Talk yo shit 100%! updoot