The Corbett discussion is sobering. However, I also noted from a comment early on that these panelists think "the same of Trump" aka that Trump garnered support and attention but ultimately betrayed the interests of the people and is serving either himself, or the establishment, or both.
I don't know enough about any of these panelists to really evaluate the credibility of what they bring - which is not to dispute facts but to be able to factor in biases, prejudices and other elements that shape their interpretation of the facts.
Nonetheless, it's a sobering discussion.
I credit Corbett with providing me with one of my earliest, powerful red-pills that really go the ball rolling quite a while ago now: "How big Oil Conquered the World". So I give big creds to Corbett, (and have recently supported his work with a donation/gift), but no one is perfect and no one is right all the time.... So....
The Corbett discussion is sobering. However, I also noted from a comment early on that these panelists think "the same of Trump" aka that Trump garnered support and attention but ultimately betrayed the interests of the people and is serving either himself, or the establishment, or both.
I don't know enough about any of these panelists to really evaluate the credibility of what they bring - which is not to dispute facts but to be able to factor in biases, prejudices and other elements that shape their interpretation of the facts.
Nonetheless, it's a sobering discussion.
I credit Corbett with providing me with one of my earliest, powerful red-pills that really go the ball rolling quite a while ago now: "How big Oil Conquered the World". So I give big creds to Corbett, (and have recently supported his work with a donation/gift), but no one is perfect and no one is right all the time.... So....