We all have been browbeat and brainwashed with the equality mantra since we first read the Declaration of Independence,
but… its bullshit.
But how do we convey the message of “equality is bullshit” to the woke lefty-libs?
Easy! We convince them that they are superior to us in every way, and that aspiring for “equality” would only bring them down to our level.
“The soft bigotry of low expectations” ~ BHO
They shouldn’t be aspiring to by my equal, because they are already better than me!
And God knows, I don’t have any interest in aspiring to be as great as they are…
So lets just convince them that they are better than us, and that we are OK with that, and we have no interest in being their equals.
I mean, doesn’t aspiring to be my equal already imply that they know good and well they aren’t as good as me, and never will be?
So instead of insulting them with the truth, we flatter them with phony praise and admiration!
The problem with your theory is that they perceive themselves as victims, and no amount of pretending they're better than us will convince them they're not...it's like a religion to them.
well in that case we rub it in that they suck, and will never be your equal, and that they should really find some attainable goal to work towards, instead of this fools errand of equality.