10 Inconvenient Truths About Ukraine Largely Ignored by the MSM
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When will these assholes stop with the Ukraine shit. Not one day goes by some asshole at the store is like “we’re donating half our proceeds to Ukraine”
Half??? How are you still in business?? These big corps are all money laundering for the deep state
...a fool and his money...
...soon go their separate ways....
Ukraine is a corruption wonderland for the deep state.
...nice turn of a phrase....
Basically, the only thing the MSM has ever said about Ukraine is that democracy is threatened and Russia is losing.
...that is two things...
Maff is hard.
Has anyone seen the story about the 800 000 ghost soldiers in Ukraine? Ghost Soldiers are soldiers on paper, but not IRL. It happens in corrupt countries, (as it did in Afghanistan) whereby those in charge of say, payments to the troops claim higher numbers and pocket the rest. OR when demanding X supplies from the West for Y number of troops
Not all of the missing 800 000 are dead, this much I can tell you.
...compelling addendum...