posted ago by GetsTheNogginJoggin ago by GetsTheNogginJoggin +42 / -0

It’s definitely a combination of fear and ego, but it’s insane what I’m still seeing in people I know across the northeast.

I follow a small community theater’s Instagram. They just had table reads and first runs for some songs in a musical in a large room. People were spaced out. Still required every cast member and production team member to wear a mask.

After rehearsal, they crammed 15-20 people into one table at a crowded restaurant. No masks in sight.

I cannot, for the life of me, wrap my head around what their daily thought process must be like for that to make any logical sense whatsoever.

I still have people who used to be friends refusing to speak to me despite the truth of what I said coming out in FDA and CDC statements regarding vaccine side effects. They took some social media posts I made about mandated vaccinations while I was in a dark place and ranting into the void as meaning I thought they, personally, were stupid. When I was just panicking about losing my job and my insurance due to forced vaccinations that “were promised to never be a thing” by Biden in his campaign of lies.

I hope somewhere, deep down, the good people I knew still exist. But I’m finding that more and more difficult to trust as time goes by.

I’m missing out on opportunities because of vaccine requirements despite having medical exemptions and the fact no one should be requiring these things lest they want to be sued for employee harm. The people I do know with somewhat open minds despite their liberal tendencies are getting angrier and more desperate to protect their own egos as the cognitive dissonance comes into play.

When the hell is the curtain going to be pulled back? Because it’s crazy that the current state of affairs isn’t the precipice.

If inflation, sudden deaths/cardiac events in children/immunosuppression becoming more prevalent, war, and a literal criminal for President isn’t enough to snap these people out of their Matrix devotion, what is?

How are you all keeping your faith in humanity right now?