Y'all remember our super-mod, u/Evspra? Got this modmail from him tonight, and, uh, I feel concerned for this angry kid. I dunno what mental space he's in, but, do you ever look at GAW's amazing site design and think how awesome it is? It was all him! He did so much for us! Poor kid...
LET'S GOOoOoooo!!!

All I know is - this site has been home base/headquarters/source of sanity and encouragement central for myself and thousands of others.
At this point - anything that threatens that - I'm not a fan of.
I hope he has a change of heart - or whatever beef there is gets worked out for the greater good.
And I hope for the sake of anyone he's threatening, that they are kept safe, preserved and undisturbed.
What an amazing, amazing comment. You just summarized what this sticky is all about. If "CatsFive" should step down for the good of the community, then, I figured, this post would be a good indicator. I don't care if anyone kisses my ass. I want to see POST and RESEARCH, and that's it. I want to see users care about each other and I am happy to have the "power" to kill doomers on sight. The rest? it's up to you folks, and y'all totally kick ass, holy
I have respect for Evspra for what he did on this site, and was sad when it all fell apart, but I prefer my mods to wield their sticks with AI driven precision and integrity.
Everyone's human and we all make mistakes from time to time but being on the autism spectrum means appreciating consistency and predictability.
Since Evspra left this place feels less, how shall I put it, moody?
Evspra, if you are reading this thread I hope whatever is upsetting you gets resolved amicably and remember, God wins.
This. What I'd like is to not get modmails threatening my ex wife
You posted it MAN. JK not happy.