Hi All,
I was wondering if I could get some book recommendations. Topics I'm interested in are the removal of the gold standard, The Federal Reserve/printing money from nothing, US federal changes in the early 70's (ie 30 year mortgage) and WW2. Books that are factual but have fictional characters to tell the story (so a book about a man at war - the man never existed but the events he goes through did) would be great or anything not overly dry to read.
I really appreciate you reading this and any suggestions you may have. God bless.
Have you read the Creatures of Jekyll Island? If not, its the best place to start.
I know a lot of people love this book, but I found the author's prose style just intolerable. He made it painful, just trying to get the info. (imo)
You have to remember this was written decades ago and writing style was much more different those days. That said, I would say the book is just a definitive reference, you can learn a lot about this by other sources. If instance, you watch Greg Mannarino's youtube channel for 2 weeks, you will know everything there is to know about how the economy works and why it's fake. As long as you can laugh off his total blackpilled-ness and his rants against everyone including Trump.
Thank you! I see you posted about a YouTube channel in another post here, do you have recommendations on reading from it? I am spending too much time on the computer so focusing on physical books.
The author of the book, Edward Griffin is great to listen to. There are plenty of interviews out there, including this one
The other channel I recommended before was Greg Mannarino. He has a unique ranty style, but its very informative if you are just beginning in this area. After a few weeks it will feel repetitive.