They were lying about its veracity or, rather, supposed lack thereof. Meaning to say, they were holding information pertaining to the blatant corruption and, thus, disenfranchisement of the American people to continue. Meaning to say they were willfully allowing public servants to benefit from the unlawful exploitation of the good people of America which, in turn, benefitted another country.
There are a few terms that describe this. Dereliction of duty and another word... I believe it rhymes with reason.
They were lying about its veracity or, rather, supposed lack thereof. Meaning to say, they were holding information pertaining to the blatant corruption and, thus, disenfranchisement of the American people to continue. Meaning to say they were willfully allowing public servants to benefit from the unlawful exploitation of the good people of America which, in turn, benefitted another country.
There are a few terms that describe this. Dereliction of duty and another word... I believe it rhymes with reason.