The perfect way to keep this from becoming an investigation is to let those people do it also. If everyone is either corrupt, has photos of kids in inappropriate situations or maybe something dead at the Standard Hotel, then the system promotes itself so the whole damn house of cards doesn't come tumbling down. The saying goes, we either all hang together or we will hang separately.
How to get wealthy, outside your government job:
(1) Find house you can buy for $1,000,000,
(2) You don't have $1,000,000 on your government salary, so you "borrow" from a "friend" to buy the house.
(3) Have your son work a sweet deal to get hired by a Ukrainian gas company, for which your son has no experience, and get paid $83,000 per month.
(4) Have your son funnel ... err ... "pay rent" to you for use of your house (for a few days per year) ... for $50,000 per month.
(5) $50,000/month x 12 months = $600,000 per year for a $1,000,000 house that you didn't really pay for. Not bad.
(6) Find some more houses, wash, rinse, and repeat with Chinese money, Romanian money, or whatever works.
(7) Make sure you have friends in high places who look the other way when someone mentions this might not be exactly legit.
Better than robbing a liquor store. And less messy.
The perfect way to keep this from becoming an investigation is to let those people do it also. If everyone is either corrupt, has photos of kids in inappropriate situations or maybe something dead at the Standard Hotel, then the system promotes itself so the whole damn house of cards doesn't come tumbling down. The saying goes, we either all hang together or we will hang separately.
10% to the big guy, might be Obama cashing in on all deals. Seems like Ole Jo took more than 10% from his son.