It is good to see some of them hitting up the usual suspects knowing full well the assholes are going to try their best to talk over you while setting up questions to trick you and spread agenda before you can speak and you HAVE to but in and speak quickly and firmly never go on the defense stay on the offense with your words. Reminds me of scientology tactics with those reporters, same thing they do and the moment you go on defense they gotcha and spin it how they want. Good job Lauren!
It is good to see some of them hitting up the usual suspects knowing full well the assholes are going to try their best to talk over you while setting up questions to trick you and spread agenda before you can speak and you HAVE to but in and speak quickly and firmly never go on the defense stay on the offense with your words. Reminds me of scientology tactics with those reporters, same thing they do and the moment you go on defense they gotcha and spin it how they want. Good job Lauren!