posted ago by Jtap ago by Jtap +13 / -2

I will be adding to this list as i go through the NLP series the Structure of Magic so that all reading can return to this page for personal study as I go through the book in other posts which will have the hyperlink to this post. At the bottom I will link this post to my testimony post where everyone can access each section of the book that has been gone over on .win and prayer garden.

Model The limited scope by which a person views the world around them.

Surface Structure The literal surface of a person's speech which has a limited scope of that persons deep structure.

I.e "I'm scared." The nouns attatched to the verb as well as the reason for the fear of the missing noun is also missing.

Deep Structure The full representation of a person's model with the missing parts of that model manifested. (The missing parts are in parehthesis). The missing parts are what we are trying to summon out of the person we are trying to help.

Ex: i am scared (of you because you remind me of my father and he made me feel feelings of fear because he molested me when i was a child. )


Removal of nouns that are attached to the verb presented by the client.

Client: I am hungry. (Hungry is missing a noun connection) You: What are you hungry for?

Class 1 Deletion These are deletions associated to comparatives and superlatives.

Comparative: -er adjectives In this Deletion, one of the nouns being compared isn't being expressed by the client.

Ex: I think I'm better when it comes to math. (Who they are better than is missing) You: You think you are better than (who) at math?

Superlative: -est adjectives In this Deletion, one of the nouns being compared to isn't being expressed by the client.

Ex: I think I'm best when it comes to math. (Who they are better than is missing) You: (Who) do you think you are best in comparison to at math?

Class 2 Deletion These like the former class, except they are centered around -ly adjectives. (The missing material again is the noun to which the adjective is associated to.)

Client: obviously, my job is finished. You: (To whom) is it obvious that you have completed your job?

Class 3 Deletion In this class, we are to be observant of 2 different types.

Modal Operators of Necessity:

The parehthesis express the response question format for such deletions.

Ex: must, need,

Client: I must complete this paper by tonight. You: (What would happen if you didn't) complete it by tonight?

Modal Operators of Possibility:

Ex: can, can't, will, won't, do, don't

Client: I can't understand why Caleb won't talk to me. You: (What prevents you) from understanding why Caleb won't talk to you?


Nominalization (event nouns)

Typically these will manifest in the form of a noun that can be translated backwards into a verb. I.e a noun that SHOULD be a verb. This causes in someone an inability to move past an event in their life because they've made it a completed event that can't be changed as opposed to an ongoing action that can be adjusted.

(Decision, failure, confusion, etc.)


My divorce is painful.

Translates to:

My wife and I divorcing is painful.

Here is when you would proceed with Deletion diagnoses and assist with expanding their model.


Who is experiencing pain from you and your wife divorcing each other?

What about you and your wife divorcing each other is painful?

Link to testimony post with all the posts associated to the book as we have discussed so far.
