‘F*cking Careerists’: Pope Francis Reportedly Delivers Foul-Mouthed Address To Spanish Seminarians
Pope Francis told seminarians in Barcelona, Spain on Dec. 10 to “not be clerical” and to “forgive everything” even if confessors have “no intention to repent.”
Francis is the first openly Jesuit Pope. He’s as evil as they come.
At first I thought he was just an asshole. Evil is an understatement!
Well, you are what you eat after all.
Happy that at least one other person on this planet understands how evil The Society of Jesus is. muh Dawg :)
I often wonder what Jesus would think of Vatican City.
Francis sold his soul to the Devil a long time ago. That's his boss now.
...correct prognosis from the good Doctor....
The Sweet ?
...It's a ballroom blitz...