Jamie Lee Curtis outs herself as part of Pedowood via Instagram. Took the post down but not before a friend grabbed it. Maybe worth looking into cometpictures. Look at the framed picture on the wall...
🤢 These people are sick! 🤮

All i see is a kid, with their eyes closed and without a smile, jammed into a tote low enough so the cover could fit along with some sandles on the ground beside it. No soap, no shampoo or wash cloth. No towels or clear evidence of water even. Nothing to suggest this is bath time other than pure speculation.
do you always smile in the bath? and do you always have your favourite shampoo and your rubber ducky?
i always loved baths but hated the soap.
Let's just turn that right back around on you: Nothing to suggest this is murder/pedophile time other than PURE SPECULATION.
Show me some habeas corpus. show me some ei incumbit probatio qui dicit, non qui negat. Any evidence beyond your wildly inaccurate estimation of what position would be fatal or even harmful to a child? 'Cause it ain't fitting into that box.
Not once, in any of my comments, did i suggest the child was injured or harmed. Who are you turning this on?
BS. Why use the word "jammed" if the child could easily and comfortably arrange themselves in that position? "Jamming" a child into anything sounds like harm is being done to them.....and you know it.