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You are missing the point of Satanism. They are privy to all the esoteric knowledge, just choose to use it for bad purposes. So while manly hall may or may not be a satanist, you cannot deduce it from him possessing this knowledge and explaining it.
You didn't answer my question...ie what is satanism? What bad purposes do they use it for?
So the fact manly hall possesses knowledge the ordinary person is not privy to..which is all occult means..hidden...cannot be deduced by him possessing and explaining this knowledge as you said...so knowledge of itself is just that...knowledge..neither good or evil...
As manly hall is intent on getting this knowledge out there to the people denotes good intentions. Knowledge is power..that's why it's kept from us by the NWO who have always kept it from us and still do. The NWO has always kept knowledge from us...the elites have always been in control.
Manly Hall has written many books to educate the public. Hardly the act of the NWO is it? So unless you know of some specific reason you are aligning him with satanism it would be better not to malign the man....he is dead and cannot defend himself