Philadelphia Flyers Player Boycotts His Woke Team's "Pride Night," Refuses To Wear Their LGBTQ Warmup Jersey (VIDEO)
The NHL over the past year has made a concerted effort to portray itself as America’s most woke sports league, even at the expense of player safety. On Tuesday night, however, an NHL player actually decided to take a stand against his own team’s effort to ...
The other members of the team need to stop with the faggot ice capades.
This is the NHL.
Not a gay orgy. One has nothing to do with the other. No matter what any weenie jeanie tries to tell you there is no place for rainbows in sports unless you are at a cum eating contest.
NHL needs to add an "enforcer" only spot to the roster with a minimum number of penalty minutes via fighting required each season to get rid of the pussy crap starting to infest the sport. when i was a kid, every team had 2 enforcers and nobody even wore helmets
Why doesn't Philadelphia host a "Straight Night"?
It would represent 99.99% of all NHL Hockey fans.
Sometimes it only takes one ! Good for him .
Good man.
THIS is what a true Hero looks like.
Massive props to this guy! 💪
Why would NHL go woke with LGBTQXYZ crap? Drag fags don't even watch hockey. The sport has too much testosterone and not enough soy in it.
I bet the gays that watch hockey are about .5% of their audience yet they alienate the other 99.5%. That's just plain stupid.
If I had the energy, I'd go on twatter to flame those "journalists" going after this brave man.
Stop hiding behind religion and just say, "LBGT has too many associations with pedophilia and I want no part of it."
It doesnt need to be associated with pedophilia. A man's dick up an another man's asshole is already fucking disgusting and should not be paraded around at events purporting to be family friendly.
But it ALWAYS is.