Could be Seth Rich is coming back into the news. If there is CCTV footage of him being shot in the back, with sound, THAT would indeed be a shot heard around the world if the MSM ran with it.
Case 4:20-cv-00447-ALM Document 92 Filed 01/13/23 - Court documents confirm:
After years of denials, the FBI has finally admitted that Seth Rich is directly linked to the “hack” of the Democratic National Committee email servers in 2016.
[FBI attempted for 5 years] to shield all information relating to the work laptop from public disclosure under FOIA
Could be Seth Rich is coming back into the news. If there is CCTV footage of him being shot in the back, with sound, THAT would indeed be a shot heard around the world if the MSM ran with it.
Case 4:20-cv-00447-ALM Document 92 Filed 01/13/23 - Court documents confirm:
After years of denials, the FBI has finally admitted that Seth Rich is directly linked to the “hack” of the Democratic National Committee email servers in 2016.
[FBI attempted for 5 years] to shield all information relating to the work laptop from public disclosure under FOIA