I’m not to familiar with replica firearms. I think I’ve seen some before, not sure. I’m over here thinking what’s the difference between a replica firearm and a real one?
And yea the “who” part is the real question. When we look into the female shot, her history is very interesting. It’s just kinda crazy to think ole Baldwin could be an assassin. I feel he may have been the patsy. But, targeted, directed, but unaware at the end result of, in a way, destroying himself.
There's great information out there on replica firearms being used on movie sets! I recommend checking them out. Lots of people post info on YouTube and independent sites detailing information about that, especially after the incident.
It is crazy to think Baldwin could be an assassin. In fact, it's downright stupid.
I’m not to familiar with replica firearms. I think I’ve seen some before, not sure. I’m over here thinking what’s the difference between a replica firearm and a real one?
And yea the “who” part is the real question. When we look into the female shot, her history is very interesting. It’s just kinda crazy to think ole Baldwin could be an assassin. I feel he may have been the patsy. But, targeted, directed, but unaware at the end result of, in a way, destroying himself.
There's great information out there on replica firearms being used on movie sets! I recommend checking them out. Lots of people post info on YouTube and independent sites detailing information about that, especially after the incident.
It is crazy to think Baldwin could be an assassin. In fact, it's downright stupid.