Taxes were invented by rich men. The richest people pay the fewest taxes and always have, for thousands of years. Taxes are a fraud, 100%.
In our case the US government borrows all money from the Fed. Not a single dime comes from our taxes. Eventually, after the Fed gets it's cut (all tax money goes to the Fed first), some of those taxes pay down the principle on that years loan from the Fed. The rest gets carried over into the "deficit" which is a system designed specifically to fail after sufficient real assets have been transferred from We The People to those same rich men.
But you may agree that the DoD needs its $827 billion/year to support our nation's defense.
Who exactly do we need to defend ourselves against? Every single war for at a minimum of the past three centuries has been a contrivance, created and funded on both sides by those same rich men.
The idea that We The People must pick up the slack in taxes, and thus we are the victim requires the assumption that taxes are not only necessary, but not fraudulent in any way, and that everything in that system is perfect for our society, both in the specifics of all the taxes we have now, and the overall concept in general.
You have been trained to believe that is true your whole life. We all have. Guess who created the education system that taught you that?
The same rich men that created the tax system and benefit the most from it.
Taxes were invented by rich men. The richest people pay the fewest taxes and always have, for thousands of years. Taxes are a fraud, 100%.
In our case the US government borrows all money from the Fed. Not a single dime comes from our taxes. Eventually, after the Fed gets it's cut (all tax money goes to the Fed first), some of those taxes pay down the principle on that years loan from the Fed. The rest gets carried over into the "deficit" which is a system designed specifically to fail after sufficient real assets have been transferred from We The People to those same rich men.
Who exactly do we need to defend ourselves against? Every single war for at a minimum of the past three centuries has been a contrivance, created and funded on both sides by those same rich men.
The idea that We The People must pick up the slack in taxes, and thus we are the victim requires the assumption that taxes are not only necessary, but not fraudulent in any way, and that everything in that system is perfect for our society, both in the specifics of all the taxes we have now, and the overall concept in general.
You have been trained to believe that is true your whole life. We all have. Guess who created the education system that taught you that?
The same rich men that created the tax system and benefit the most from it.
For details on this fraud, see this report here.