"Now when Jesus Christ came among men, He found them nearly all revolving in one circle. There was but one center to human life – Self. Mattered not whether it was the merchant peddling his wares, the king in the palace, the thief by the road, or the priest in the temple. Man’s chief end was to glorify himself and enjoy himself forever. Then, as now, by the all but unanimous consensus of the people, this present life and this present world were sanctioned as the legitimate object of all man’s effort and energy. By the whole gravitation of society, Jesus – as a man – must have been drawn to the very verge of this vast vortex of self-indulgence, personal ease and pleasure, which had sucked in the populations of the world since that fateful day in Eden. But He stepped back. He refused absolutely to be attracted. He put everything out of His life that had even a temptation in it to the world’s center. He humbled Himself – there is no place in the world’s vortex for humbleness. He emptied Himself – gravitation cannot act on emptiness. He became of no reputation – there is no place in the world for namelessness. So the prince of this world came, but found nothing in Him. He found nothing because the true center of Christ’s life was not to be seen. It was with God. The unseen and the eternal moved Him. He did not seek His own happiness or gain, but only THE WILL OF THE FATHER. He went about doing good. His object in going about was not gain, but to do good."
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I haven't seen you post anything lately and I was wondering where you have been. Glad to hear from you.
Thank you 2020Ray, looking forward to a great 2023!
Isaiah 9:7 Of the increase of his government and peace there shall be no end, upon the throne of David, and upon his kingdom, to order it, and to establish it with judgment and with justice from henceforth even for ever. The zeal of the Lord of hosts will perform this.
"Now all this was very eccentric to this world system. It was living on new lines altogether. He did God’s will. He pleased not Himself. His center was to one side of Self. He was beside Himself. From the standpoint of the world and the flesh it was simply madness. Think of this idea of His, for instance, of starting out into life with so visionary an idea as that of doing good with no price attached – no offering plate, no books for sale, no monthly news-letter telling about all the needs of the work, no gadgets offered to those sending in an offering of $5.00 or more, no special blessings or prophecies pronounced on those who “obeyed God” in contributing $20.00 to the Kingdom, no brochure on how to make out your will and leave your estate to the Lord’s work. Jesus did not operate in worldly methods and techniques. Man was not His center, money was not His center, means and methods and programs were not His center, GOD was His center. His trust was not in God’s people, His trust was in GOD. God was His source of life and supply."
The best thing we can do is to follow his example.
No other way.