Why do you wish ill will to him for admitting that antivaxxers chose the correct path. After all the jabb was actually an intelligence test. Those that got vaxxed failed the test. As we can clearly see this test doesn’t have a do over. In the next half decade those who chose to go along to get along instead of saying no will have their genetic line erradicated.
Where I live is libtard city. I'm literally the only person in my family that didn't take the vax. But I'll tell you, I wanted to be wrong. I didn't want anyone to die.
Why do you wish ill will to him for admitting that antivaxxers chose the correct path. After all the jabb was actually an intelligence test. Those that got vaxxed failed the test. As we can clearly see this test doesn’t have a do over. In the next half decade those who chose to go along to get along instead of saying no will have their genetic line erradicated.
Where I live is libtard city. I'm literally the only person in my family that didn't take the vax. But I'll tell you, I wanted to be wrong. I didn't want anyone to die.
They were wrong, and many of them still wish death on you.