I've heard the KJV is a bad translation and many others. Which version of the Bible do you read and what is your reason for that version?
I was raised catholic and lost my faith the older I got, but I've always been spiritual and I know there is a God. (Just look around and you can see Lucifer in pretty much everything)
Lately I've been seeing how our world has progressed into what the book of revelations tells us, and now I'm really starting to gain my faith back.
Any help on this is greatly appreciated.
God bless you all! Wwg1wga
NET, NASB, NIV... Most any in plain English. Even the NKJV is descent. The Holy Spirit can overcome weaknesses in translations. Best to compare versions as you go.
Only a cultist will defend one translation over all others. Any one who claims translators were inerrant are denying man's fallen state.
The Holy Spirit would not lead you astray. It has nothing to do with weakness.
I was being polite in calling bad translations "weakness"
The Spirit can overcome what ever you want to call it.
At least listen to the video I posted with my reply.
KJV is not infallible. yes, the RSV, NIV, etc. have "weaknesses." But both use the Masoretic Text for the OT. Weak foundation... weak translation. Further, The English language has changed dramatically since 1611. Some words mean completely different things now. And our understanding of ancient languages has increased dramatically as well.
refer back to my statement about the Holy Spirit.