Trump did talk up the jab and encouraged people to get it. This is true. Seems though, the latest shill tactic is to hit on this over and over and over to try to solely blame him for everything negatively associated with it without asking why he would do such a thing in the past and not denounce it even today... as if it's a simple situation. Until a person starts to understand the dynamics of the war we are in it'll be easy to get upset with war like deceptions.
Within the structure of the Q-Trump war plan - which is a good plan but of course subject to change as no plan survives contact with the enemy - Trump's response to the "covid virus" was done as many here say, to prevent even greater damage to the world's people by means of longer lockdowns, economic ruin and death from the more potent "vaccines" big pharma intended to develop. Trump also felt it was necessary to let the world slide toward the precipice, which it certainly has done.
So Trump was doing what he thought was the best thing for the good of the world's people - within the overarching structure of their existing long term war plan.
So no blame can attach to Trump for the vaccine debacle and all the death it has caused and is going to cause in the coming months and years. Trump and Q and all of us Patriots are engaged in war - and things happen. We may have control of the situation but it certainly is not full control.
My question, and it is always a legitimate question is, is the Trump-Q war plan the best possible plan for the world?
A primary element of the T-Q war plan is that the world's people are blissfully asleep and unaware of the depth of corruption and depravity surrounding all of us. We need to be awakened and that can only happen by allowing the world to sink way deeper into ruin, economic chaos, death and dispair.
For me this is a problem in the T-Q plan.
My general idea is that the way to awaken the world with minimum harm and death would have been to use the Insurrection Act (which I'm pretty sure Trump signed) to institue martial law in the US and do mass arrests, tribunals and publicly available executions to rid the country of traitors. At the same time the traitors in the media would be taken down and some of the major outlets would be shuttered or taken over by the military.
The EBS would be used every hour of every day to broadcast truth using the best, most appealing newscasters in the Patriot movement - and ours are the very best.
Martial law would remain in effect as long as necessary and Trump would be reinstated and then elected to a second full term in '24.
So this is my reason for not liking the Q-T plan. I simply think there is/was a better way. It's certain the world is asleep and badly needs to awaken but don't kill three billion people to awaken the remaining five billion. Use truth spoken from the existing media channels that we takeover. Truth is what the people need, not vaccines.
Your point seems reasonable but we just don't know the size of the problem or the capabilities of our enemy and the necessary dominoes that needed to fall so that we didn't end up with a MAD outcome. There may have been significantly worse outcomes and we may never know them. A goal of the T-Q plan is a global citizenry that thinks for themselves and are their own keepers. It is challenging to know who to trust. I don't have any friends who got themselves jabbed because it was against their will. If we are to accuse them, T-Q, of anything I would accuse them of giving the patriotic jabbed to much credit on their self autonomy.
Personally I don't believe T signed the insurrection act. Also, I don't think there was another way to do it. If the people aren't brought to the precipice with death and destruction, how would they be the wiser to never let this happen again? As Q said, It had to be this way. I think they weighed all other potential options but with the best super computers, military minds and probably AI and maybe even extraterrestrials, they knew it had to be done this way. As uncomfortable as it is for all of us right now, and believe me it is for me personally in my current situation, I fully support the path they chose even though it has cost me greatly. I will never lose faith and give up.
I think instead of extraterrestrials I'd put it on God. They asked for prayer constantly and guidance from God. God surely would have guided them through this process
Trump did talk up the jab and encouraged people to get it. This is true. Seems though, the latest shill tactic is to hit on this over and over and over to try to solely blame him for everything negatively associated with it without asking why he would do such a thing in the past and not denounce it even today... as if it's a simple situation. Until a person starts to understand the dynamics of the war we are in it'll be easy to get upset with war like deceptions.
Within the structure of the Q-Trump war plan - which is a good plan but of course subject to change as no plan survives contact with the enemy - Trump's response to the "covid virus" was done as many here say, to prevent even greater damage to the world's people by means of longer lockdowns, economic ruin and death from the more potent "vaccines" big pharma intended to develop. Trump also felt it was necessary to let the world slide toward the precipice, which it certainly has done.
So Trump was doing what he thought was the best thing for the good of the world's people - within the overarching structure of their existing long term war plan.
So no blame can attach to Trump for the vaccine debacle and all the death it has caused and is going to cause in the coming months and years. Trump and Q and all of us Patriots are engaged in war - and things happen. We may have control of the situation but it certainly is not full control.
My question, and it is always a legitimate question is, is the Trump-Q war plan the best possible plan for the world?
A primary element of the T-Q war plan is that the world's people are blissfully asleep and unaware of the depth of corruption and depravity surrounding all of us. We need to be awakened and that can only happen by allowing the world to sink way deeper into ruin, economic chaos, death and dispair.
For me this is a problem in the T-Q plan.
My general idea is that the way to awaken the world with minimum harm and death would have been to use the Insurrection Act (which I'm pretty sure Trump signed) to institue martial law in the US and do mass arrests, tribunals and publicly available executions to rid the country of traitors. At the same time the traitors in the media would be taken down and some of the major outlets would be shuttered or taken over by the military.
The EBS would be used every hour of every day to broadcast truth using the best, most appealing newscasters in the Patriot movement - and ours are the very best.
Martial law would remain in effect as long as necessary and Trump would be reinstated and then elected to a second full term in '24.
So this is my reason for not liking the Q-T plan. I simply think there is/was a better way. It's certain the world is asleep and badly needs to awaken but don't kill three billion people to awaken the remaining five billion. Use truth spoken from the existing media channels that we takeover. Truth is what the people need, not vaccines.
Your point seems reasonable but we just don't know the size of the problem or the capabilities of our enemy and the necessary dominoes that needed to fall so that we didn't end up with a MAD outcome. There may have been significantly worse outcomes and we may never know them. A goal of the T-Q plan is a global citizenry that thinks for themselves and are their own keepers. It is challenging to know who to trust. I don't have any friends who got themselves jabbed because it was against their will. If we are to accuse them, T-Q, of anything I would accuse them of giving the patriotic jabbed to much credit on their self autonomy.
Sadly the addicted blind people will not awaken unless they hit bottom. Even then it won’t be enough for some.
Personally I don't believe T signed the insurrection act. Also, I don't think there was another way to do it. If the people aren't brought to the precipice with death and destruction, how would they be the wiser to never let this happen again? As Q said, It had to be this way. I think they weighed all other potential options but with the best super computers, military minds and probably AI and maybe even extraterrestrials, they knew it had to be done this way. As uncomfortable as it is for all of us right now, and believe me it is for me personally in my current situation, I fully support the path they chose even though it has cost me greatly. I will never lose faith and give up.
I think instead of extraterrestrials I'd put it on God. They asked for prayer constantly and guidance from God. God surely would have guided them through this process
Yep, forgot to mention that.