Thank you, Federal Reserve. Thank you, Congress. Thank you, military-industrial complex. Thank you, President Johnson for your "Great Society" and other socialist programs. Thank you, everyone else involved in pushing for deficit spending over the years.
The dollar's global Reserve Currency status is the only reason the United States didn't succumb to a Zimbabwe-style hyperinflation generations ago. And THAT's changing.
"The United States is Insolvent"
True, but so is this:
The United States HAS BEEN insolvent for decades.
Thank you, Federal Reserve. Thank you, Congress. Thank you, military-industrial complex. Thank you, President Johnson for your "Great Society" and other socialist programs. Thank you, everyone else involved in pushing for deficit spending over the years.
The dollar's global Reserve Currency status is the only reason the United States didn't succumb to a Zimbabwe-style hyperinflation generations ago. And THAT's changing.
...doggy winks...