The most important thing is not to force things and not to be so impassioned in the delivery of your message that you put people off the content of the message itself. There is a balance that needs to be found between your urgency to awaken others and your compassion for the lack of understanding of their condition. Always adhere to the law of free will and never force your message.
Be as a light shining in the darkness. Do not burn others with your light, but rather allow them to be drawn to your light. And be of service to those who come to you willingly. In other words, do not become evangelical with your message, but rather be the enigmatic and loving "wise old sage", to whom others are drawn because of the quality of vibration, rather than the volume of rhetoric.
Thank you. This is what I’m missing .
What I think is subtle they find overbearing .
I’m old enough to be the “ wise old sage” so might as well act as such, hehe
Go Forth and shine, you are light.
This is a correct assessment of things, I personally have opted for just bluntly telling motherfuckers that they are stupid, smooth brain normies, with no pattern recognition or street-smarts, and have noticed some alienation and resentment can manifest itself with my method.
I would advise that people on here try MiltonWilliamCooper's method before attempting mine.
If using the GizzardPuke method, it would be wise to try to reduce screaming to dull roar or to try mastering the "quiet scream" a vocal technique I have been a pioneer in.
Try to keep expletives simple and try to use the informal versions of fuck, so for example, "this conversation is fucked" as opposed to "fuck you, you fucking suicidal, shit-faced cock-womble."
Try to take a conciliatory tone and limit your abuse to mere passive/aggressive attacks such as "I feel empathy for those bested in the IQ department by a stick in a bucket of pig swill" or the evergreen "BAAAAHHHH !"
If the conversation becomes too heated or you are stuck for a rebuttal try a rip-punch or a low left-hook to the body, torquing your body into the punch like a golf-swing. The subsequent rolling up into a ball and spasming on the ground of the recipient will give you time to think on your feet. It is important not to stand or loom over them whilst convulsing as this action is meant to defuse the situation.
Using these techniques it may be possible to navigate the "Fucking Tightrope" that is this eye of the needle through which the angry anon must pass.
If all this is too much to remember, you can always throw a chair, but try to miss any hominids present.
Very wise words.
Happy to share, these are not my words how ever.
Perfectly stated!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Good message. I get easily frustrated with those that refuse to open their eyes.
It went away for about 1 hour and came back shorty after I asked about it. I don’t know what the issue was. Thanks for your response. And congratulations on being a mod. ❤️