Yes, you heard that. Oil is the Fat of the Earth.
Coal, too, is not unlike the coagulated pus and dead skin which does congeal and harden into pockets of sebum.
To characterize such a process by the name "Fossil Fuels" assumes a lengthier process than is suggested by all systems in nature.
Which is to say, "fossil fuels" are fake and gay.
They are neither exclusively from fossils and provide far more than a means to combust for heat. All forms of plastics, resins, and carbon steel also find their start in the form of crude oil and coal.
The Earth is constantly undergoing a process of renewal, taking into it all forms of mineral and elements and purifying them with an even and temperate heat. This heat is not like the open flame which consumes, but an inductive heat which traps all vapors and gasses and condenses them under the weight of mountains.
An Inductive Heat, one of coil and rod. This process is a Generative one, consisting of a womb (the coil), and the phallus (the injected seed) which does pollinate the egg in a sealed vacuum.
When something dies, true, it's remains of carbon are taken into the earth and from it is extracted all the minerals and elements therein, but that is only the smallest of the sources for the Fat of the Earth.
Carbon is heavy. Heavier than nitrogen (78% of air); heavier than oxygen (20% of air). It sinks. To believe it could possibly get trapped in the upper atmosphere due to internal heat alone is asinine. It is the posturing of "green energy" conmen which deludes us so like a pox upon our houses.
When it does sink, it is absorbed by the soil and especially by our vast oceans.
Ask yourself:
- How does oil end up at the bottom of the ocean, begging to be released by drilling?
- How does coal end up at the bottom of vast deserts and arid badlands?
Are we to believe that ancient, vegetative biomes once resided in those places such that they would provide a swathe of carbon to produce these veins of oil and coal? Are we also to believe that these are an exhaustible resources which humanity could possibly over-indulge upon? How might an ancient jungle or bog manage to find itself offshore a modern desert? Are we to believe the terrain had altered itself so drastically yet still remain just off shore?
No. I say, the belief that we could exhaust the Fat of the Earth is as woefully misguided as believing one could hope to squeeze all the pus and oil from every pore on a man's body, upon which the foolish belief is that it would cease to produce even another smidge of oil. All sources of carbon contribute to the oil and coal reserves within the crust of the earth, not just from vegetative life. The Earth is a closed system. Carbon doesn't simply escape. It is recycled in vast chain of processes.
Much to the chagrin of many a youngster going through puberty, whose pores are perpetually clogged by hormonal releases of the sebaceous gland, so too does the Earth undergo seasons of great production in Oil and Coal. These take place within wax and wane of solar-seasonal ice ages. During these periods of time a great cold is visited upon the Earth, and much like the body does when cold, produces more oil so that it may not dry out and chafe under the blistering wind. Similarly, it is not unlike the body of any other animal that does produce sweat and oil upon its brow which occasionally congeals into pockets that may only be relieved by external pressures.
Another way to look at it is thus -- when the creatures of the world are in need, the Earth does provide a means to survive. We reside upon a living system, which conducts itself with an unusually sentient-seeming precision in the balancing of natural schisms. Carbon's removal and recycling through the bosom of the Earth is just another process within a grand web of systems constantly going on in this special little spec of dust in the cosmos. We are meant to combust and utilize this resource. If we don't, like an unkempt forest it will catch fire and combust itself in drastic fashion. In some cases, violently, as would the eruption of a volcanic body which would do far more damage to the biomes of the Earth than any amount of burning humans could induce. Humans, like microbes upon the brow, are Garden Tenders, as Adam was instructed; his and our role upon the Earth is to tend to it.
Under every mountain is a pressure and heat. They are like pores upon the face of the Earth which swell and inflame into the form of a pimple. Black heads become white heads, and when squeezed or excised do spout forth with a violent resolve.
We then, mere microbes in this grand web, do take the pus and use it for our own doings. Just as the microbes upon your brow consume the oil your skin produces to keep itself supple and pliable like a well oiled leather coat. So too, should you kill off those microbes upon your skin will you find that protective layer of healthy bacteria fail to combat the yeast and spiteful germs that find dry crevasse and form painful cysts, not only filled with pus but blood. It is a mutual relationship; a symbiotic relationship, and one we are not doing our part to fulfill in order to keep balance in an ever-moving system.
Which is to say, we humans form an essential role to play in the maintenance of the microbial balance upon Earth's face. We are an essential and beneficial component to an immense system which provides a relief of the oil and coal which pools under the topmost layers of the crust. Should we not continue to exercise this role, stresses within the Earth will build and be released with great violence, just as a person's skin fractures and bleeds should it not be maintained in like fashion.
More on the origin of these materials...
If you want to learn more about the natural processes, from a voice long before the Rockefeller Dystopian Monopoly on oil, you may start here, before the term "crude oil" had even taken hold:
Just one excerpt:
Whereas nature by a natural fire decocts the metals in the Mines, she denies the like decoction to be made without a vessel fit for it. And if we propose to imitate nature in concocting, wherefore do we reject her vessel! Let us first of all therefore, see in what place the generation of metals is made. It does evidently appear in the places of Minerals, that in the bottom of the mountain there is heat continually alike, the nature whereof is always to ascend, and in the ascension it always dries up, and coagulates the thicker or grosser water hidden in the belly, or veins of the earth, or mountain, into Argent-vive. And if the mineral fatness of the same place arising out of the earth, be gathered warm together in the veins of the earth, it runs through the mountain, and becomes Sulphur. And as a man may see in the foresaid veins of that place, that Sulphur engendered of the fatness of the earth (as is before touched) meets with the Argent-vive (as it is also written) in the veins of the earth, and begets the thickness of the mineral water. There, through the continual equal heat in the mountain, in long process of time diverse metals are engendered, according to the diversity of the place. And in these Mineral places, you shall find a continual heat. For this cause we are of right to note, that the external mineral mountain is everywhere shut up within itself, and stony: for if the heat might issue out, there should never be engendered any metal. If therefore we intend to immitate nature, we must needs have such a furnace like unto the Mountains, not in greatness, but in continual heat, so that the fire put in, when it ascends, may find no vent: but that the heat may beat upon the vessel being close shut, containing in it the matter of the stone: which vessel must be round, with a small neck, made of glass or some earth, representing the nature or close knitting together of glass: the mouth whereof must be signed or sealed with a covering of the same matter, or with lute. And as in the mines, the heat does not immediately touch the matter of Sulphur and Argent-vive, because the earth of the mountain comes everywhere between: So this fire must not immediately touch the vessel, containing the matter of the aforesaid things in it, but it must be put into another vessel, shut closed in the like manner, that so the temperate heat may touch the matter above and beneath, and where ever it be, more aptly and fitly: whereupon Aristotle says, in the light of lights, that Mercury is to be concocted in a three-fold vessel, and that the vessel must be of most hard Glass, or (which is better) of Earth possessing the nature of Glass.
If you didn't catch it, I'm trying a different writing style, like the above excerpt. Weaving in symbolism and cultured language may sound pompous at first, but it expresses the grandiose nature of things in an aptly poetic way. Tell me what you think.
When carbon is "spent", it doesn't just disappear, as the Lizard People would like us to believe.