28 Although this has always seemed to me to be the dumbest exercise and an excuse for fear mongering…I will say let’s get this show on the road! Y’all ready for D-Day? (media.greatawakening.win) posted 2 years ago by HereForTheBigReveal 2 years ago by HereForTheBigReveal +28 / -0 6 comments download share 6 comments share download save hide report block hide replies
If you smash the clock with a hammer in 90 seconds does that count?
Cutting the blue wire always works in the movies and this is most definitely a movie.
I'm far more interested in what God's calendars have to say than some group of high IQ, low intelligence group of people think about the topic.
I'll breathe a little easier when the doomsday clock is set to one second before midnight. That is the time Nina Myers kills Teri Bauer.