This kind of stuff bothers me. Here is the tweet in question:
Here is the current AZ voter registration form:
We can clearly see that the left side images are from 2020. With this form, we can conclusively know that the right side are voter registration forms. Not exactly this form, but almost certainly that form is modified/updated for each election cycle. It is similar enough to know what we are looking at.
The water is muddied here. This is presented in a manner that would insinuate they are from her election. But they are not. And nobody seems to be reporting this accurately. Why?
I have not seen any reporting that directly says this is from Lake's 2022 election. I also have not seen any reporting that says these are from 2020. It is as if this story is being deliberately twisted to have everyone believe they are from her election. This is not good at all. When your own team deceives you, that is not acceptable. Why would this be happening? I don't have a theory. Curious on what everyone here thinks.
Hard to argue with this.
One of the more baffling things to me has to be states like Oklahoma, Texas, and Florida. Why have none of them booted machine voting out? They got the governor and they got the legislature to do it. Yet...crickets?
It's hard to know how many people the Cabal controls.