It was really fucking simple, actually.
It had nothing to do with science, it had nothing to do with research (that came after, to verify what I thought was true).
It had everything to do with human nature, and the fact that old Clott doesn't get this (or refuses to 'get' this) just shows what a total loser he really is.
It's not about us 'winning', but it sure is about him losing.
I'll spell it out, so even a comic strip writer can understand..
Before Covid, the world had a fairly reasonable set of responses in place to handle pandemics and outbreaks etc., you know, based on actual studies etc. Then, all of a sudden, all the sensible rules were thrown out the window in favour of all this knee-jerk shit. This was the first 'alarm'.
The second alarm closely followed the first, when did the exact same stupid shit, all at the same time, and if anyone stepped out of line (Sweden) they were crucified for it, even though the stats showed they were right. It was reasonable to assume that the whole thing was co-ordinated and that every government was compromised.
Then they come out with a magic 'vaccine', which they lied about being a gene therapy, and changed the meaning of the word 'vaccine' so they could lie with a straight face.
On top of that, all the animals they tested that shit on died, and they also rushed it out in a ridiculously short time frame without proper testing.
To add insult to injury (literally as it turns out) they were doing things like offering free doughnuts to get jabbed and villifying anyone who dared ask a question or two. Note that it wasn't necessary to refuse or anything like that, just asking a regular, sensible question got you labelled as worse than Hitler ffs.
It really isn't a question about how we knew, but how the fuck you didn't, Clott.
Yes, but with Scott.... he doesn't understand evil I don't think. I was a fairly frequent watcher of his around 2017-2019 and I still would say that I like him. My views tapered off but once Covid hit it struck me how often he framed (he loves "framing" things) all his ideas on the premise that everyone is just doing their best. Essentially he truly believes that The Government tries their best to help everyone and any mistakes are due to incompetence. He believes big companies are solely motivated by money (and not any larger societal issues). He does NOT believe the same things about Bill Gates that we do.
It's been awhile since I've listened to him, but I recognized this as his problem several years ago. He just doesn't understand the nature of this Earth and the good/evil battle we are in. He's still thinking RvD and LvR. That's the main reason.
Everyone has blind spots. We need to listen to others and use discernment in order to highlight our own and try to compensate for them.