First, let's establish what "Magic" really is using three old-world examples, so you know how they apply them in their own understandings:
Synopsis: Flute player offers to rid the town or rats by leading them out of town playing his magic flute. When he's successful, the townspeople don't pay him so he uses his magic flute on the town children and kidnap them as payment.
When, lo! as they reached the mountain-side, A wondrous portal opened wide, As if a cavern was suddenly hollowed; And the Piper advanced and the children followed, And when all were in to the very last, The door in the mountain-side shut fast. Robert Browning, The Pied Piper of Hamelin: A Child’s Story
- They Gypsy Woman - The Evil Eye / Stink Eye
There is no singular story on this one, as it ha had many interpretations over the years, but the premise is about the same. A Gypsy woman gets slighted by a traveler, usually a man, and she puts a curse on him by waving her hands and giving him the "stink eye" or "evil eye." Stephen King wrote a modern version of this called Thinner where a fat lawyer gets cursed by a gypsy man he screwed over in court.
- Alice in Wonderland - The Walrus and the Carpenter
Lewis Carroll wrote Alice in Wonderland as an encoded how-to manual to get away with pedophilia. It covers using uppers and downers to prep a child for their memory to be wiped (potion makes you small, cake makes you big). This particular case of the Walrus and the Carpenter is a case study on how to set up a protestant church and the Walrus, dupe a Carpenter (representative of a priest like how Jesus was a carpenter) who doesn't know what you're doing, a useful idiot, and honestly thinks you're trying to share the good news. He's a patsy, and the very essence of a lambskin apron, who will take the fall (gets dirty) should things go south and your plans to molest the "oysters" goes belly up.
"True" Magic
Magic is not about casting fireballs and freezing things with fancy light shows. Magic is convincing people that you did those incredible things without some illusion, scheme, scam, or sleight of hand.
Magic is in the dupe, not the spectacle. The smoke and mirrors is what everyone remembers, because the real magic spell being cast is on the mind, which is intangible. It's more about psychology, but still affects the spiritual integrity of the victim, so we can't say it's all-together an illusion. People being scammed actually believe the scammer is honest, they're getting what service or good they were pitched, and that everything is gonna work out just fine for everyone.
If you tell a man a sword is magic and give him a demonstration, there is a confidence in that sword and himself which comes from the user's mind. This confidence itself is the Source of magic, and can accomplish the once thought impossible. Call it placebo, the self-fulfilling prophecy, or whatever term you wish, the point is that you delude someone into believing something and by the terms and rules of that artificial belief, they use their spiritual essence, their divine spark, to perform great feats of faith.
Effectively, magic is preying on faith. Trust, therefore, is a potent weapon.
The Hierarchy
Even modern stories utilize this trope. For example, in Star Wars the Emperor serves as the Walrus to Darth Vader's Carpenter. Darth Vader believes he can control the galaxy with an iron fist, and therefore balance the force. The Emperor has deluded him into believing this, and when Vader figures this out he believes all that must be done is to replace the Emperor.
This trope is actually the modus operandi of the Freemason hierarchy. The Sith are modeled after Freemasons, and any other such Secret Society. "Always two there are. No more, no less. A master and an apprentice."
So, in Freemasonry there is the Freemason "Master" and then there's the "Apprentice." The trick here, however, is that the only way an Apprentice becomes a Master is to slay their Master and then take on a new Apprentice. The Apprentice is deluded into believing one day they will be a Master, and all other Masters hold secret just how the final act of succession occurs. An Apprentice who doesn't realize this "great truth" will never be "illuminated". If they do figure it out, it means they're viable candidates to become Masters and thus take a seat in the innermost chambers of the Lodge. Same deal with the Sith. Same deal with any other Secret Society. It's how they function.
So, again, the Freemason Apron denotes your Apprentice. It keeps you clean, and karmically innocent. So long as you coach your Apprentice to do your bidding, you get to stay clean. Also, so long as your apprentice follows your orders, they'll appear clean publicly.
Of course it's not always that simple. While they would like to have a 1:1 Master and Apprentice, Apprentices always have their secret Apprentices. Darth Vader had Star Killer, for example.
And so it is, that puppets have puppets have puppets.
In that way, I suppose the Secret Societies are closer to the Jedi order as well as the Sith, but whatever, that's a conversation for another time.
Regardless, that's what Q means by the +++, ++, +
The strings of + connect to ++ connect to +++
Like the Godfather Art:
"The Godfather III" as Q puts it.
Back to Magic
Alright, let's try to set up a magic spell.
A narrative.
You see, that's the real meaning of a spell.
Spell - 1. A story; a tale. 2. A charm consisting of some words of occult power. Start not; her actions shall be holy; you hear my speel is lawful. Begin, begin; the mystic spell prepare.
First you need people to fuel your spell. You need their energies. To do that, you need to form a demographic, a tribe, which would adhere to your spell as dogma.
Once you collect this crowd, next comes the spell casting. Like a pod-cast. You Tell-A-Vision. A dogmatic motivational speech from your Carpenter followed by the sales pitch from the Walrus. What comes next is a rise to action, usually incited by a False Flag (blame game) and then everyone is fervently seeking your product to alleviate worries and woes they didn't have until you came to town and convinced them that you have to buy band equipment because pool tables are the devil.
In the Gypsy terms, you wave your arms and chant something and the mystery will gnaw at the mind of the victim until they make the curse reality. A curse, a spell, has to be accepted to take hold. Think of it like a contract, because it is a contract. Often times you sign not really understanding you're being defrauded in the fine print. Same deal with a Gypsy Evil-Eye spell. They do some juju and your confusion is your signature. If you ignore it, forget it, it has no power. If you obsess over it, that means you're keeping your part of the contract, whose fine print is "mess up your life."
And then there's also the Pied Piper. Of course, you probably see the similarity to his actions and the theories of DUMBs and the like where they harvest adrenochrome. The current Spell these modern-day Pied Pipers are playing on us is the Trans/Drag spell. Sexualizing children is just the method to reach a goal, which is to kidnap your child's mind away because you aren't paying them for their "services." Likely, though, the Pied Piper is the one who introduced rats into the town so that he could scam them by offering to remove them. He had the means to do so, even if you didn't catch him bringing rats to town, which should already beg suspicion. So, you fulfilling the "contract" which is based on fraud and malice in the first place is actually just a means to an end to corrupt your children. Gullible people don't stand a chance.
That's spellcraft all wrapped up in a bow.
Getting into the Terms
In my post yesterday, I provided some terms which denote themes. Those themes form together to create a [Stringer] which is the literal interpretation of the phrase "Common Thread."
I suggest you look into that post just so you know where I'm headed now.
Water is information. A rag is a derogatory term for a propagandized newspaper. When you fill a rag (newspaper) with water (information) and then squeeze (the press) it out onto people's minds (brains) we say you are washing them.
That's Brain-Washing. You use rags (newspapers) and water (information) to wash minds.
And that's the spell. The Magic Spell is in the language. The above is the mantra, the chant, the charm that they utter which curses you to do their bidding.
Of course, you see the obstacles, right?
In order for a spell to work, so that people can subliminally recognize the connection and sub-consciously accept it, you have to establish idiomatic foundations (bricks) by which to dupe them.
In other words, you have to disseminate among the populace the term "rag" and "brain-washing" and "flow of information" and "surfing the web" so that people can subliminally make the connections like I have done above, while staying consciously clueless to the terms they are signing on to. Once that is established, the excuse these "witches and warlocks" use is "we told you exactly what we were doing, you just didn't understand so you are still the liable party."
That's the same logic they use to defraud you using contracts. They hide behind legalese or some other such "occult" or "hidden" language. They offer to teach you grammar and words in school so you further have no excuse not to understand the fine print they've obscured intentionally, but they do a shit job at it so you don't wise up and realize you're agreeing to a social contract (spell) you would otherwise never sign.
That's the spin cycle. That's the bait-and-switch. That's the scam.
Spells are contracts. They're forms and papers you sign with your cooperation, with your will and spirit.
Dispelling and White Magic
Dispelling is what we do here. We are taking their narrative, their spell, and destroying it with memes and red pills, which are our counter-spells. Narratives which break their own. We humiliate them and get the useful idiots to wise up to whom they are supporting. That's what Q is having us do, and has done so by using a White Magic spell on us.
Modern terms would account Q as a White Hat Psyop. White Magic, White Hat Psyop; Black Magic, Black Hat Psyop -- you see the spell that was cast, right? We on the Great Awakening have a White Magic spell cast on us by Q which induces us to search for spells and break them apart. Like White Blood Cells. It's an obsession all the same, which is the signature of a spell having been cast.
To get rid of the pomp and circumstance, what both sides are doing is quite simple. They are psychologically manipulating people to do a thing. If that thing, that goal, is a positive and honest one it's considered White Magic. If it's a negative, malicious, and parasitic one, it's considered Black Magic.
We just call them psyops today, but the purpose and modus operandi is the same.
To break a spell, you only need to point out that it's going on. There's no eye of newt baloney you have to do, no potion you need to drink, no pill you have to take. That's just Hollywood programming. Instead, to break a spell you need only provide what we call a red-pill, a thought, which you can seed into the mind of another which wakes them up from the spell.
Something that makes them say "huh, I never looked at it that way before."
You point out the scam, and they have no excuse to fall for the scam anymore. It was never in their best interest, so only those thoroughly deluded or gluttons for pain and suffering would continue with the scam once it has been outed. Even if it doesn't take right away, like the Gypsy curse, it will gnaw on them and cause them to doubt.
Just like a heckler in a crowd being wooed by a snake oil salesman, we are pointing out the obvious. We are pointing out the magician's sleight of hand. We're telling the punchline to a joke which is a cruel joke. We're offering up spoilers at the middle of the movie.
That's how you dispel a spell.
So whether you recognize it or not, "you're a wizard, Harry."
And the ones with Q who cast a spell on us told us exactly what they were doing, in their own way. Because that's how spells work.
Don't be so hasty to assume as much.
Do you believe any stories or narratives you personally cannot validate?
Those are spells as well.
Things like believing you have to wear clothes. Why do we have to wear clothes? That's a spell, and one that Genesis addresses.
Not all spells are bad, mind you. Not all are pure scams. Some are just done to make things easier. The majority of spells are simply placed on the minds of the "sheep" so that they don't jump off a cliff, which is still in the sheep's best interest.
People will have spent ages figuring out the best way to do a thing, and instead of having to teach people every step of the process of how we got from stones and sticks to jackhammers, you just tell someone "this is the tool for the job" and they will use the tool you provide. Unfortunately, that also causes them to never wonder if there's a tool other than a jackhammer which may be more efficient.
We are locked in the "that's how you do this" mentality all over the place.
How do you get food? Well, you gotta get a job. To get a well-paying job you need a degree. To get a degree you gotta get good grades. Etc.
Each of those dogmatic beliefs is a spell that we all lazily adhere to because it's easy, not because it's right or wrong, and not because it's the most optimized.
It's just the easiest path with the least amount of thinking required to do the thing we want to do.
The first step to breaking a spell on you is recognizing it as a spell. With every task you should ask "why do I do things this way"? If you cannot provide a well-thought and reasoned explanation for why you perform the task as such, then you are under a spell -- a subconscious adherence to dogmatic tradition based not on your own reasoned process but due to the rules which have been established.
Besides, if you still pay income taxes, whether or not you recognize you're under a spell, you at the very least are adhering to it. Though I do advise not playing tango with the IRS. Breaking a spell has consequences, as all those still under the spell will act as crabs in a barrel and pull you right back in. You will be punished, and such is the cost of freedom.
You may disagree with the majority, but if you still do as they do you're still effectively under the spell regardless of you recognizing it.
What if "The Word" is the greatest spell ever cast.
I'm not saying it is, but what if?
The Bible is literally circularly defined as "God's Word." It tells you itself that it was written by God (even though it is not controversial that it was written by many different people). While it is possible that it was written through actual divine guidance, it is also possible it was not. Either way, it is unprovable without relying on the circular argument that is the Bible. It must be taken on faith, on trust. It is faith and trust that are the primary tools of every spell.
Perhaps most important however, and the question that no one who believes that it is God's Word asks is, which God?
There are, in the original Hebrew, Aramaic and Greek, numerous gods in the bible, explicitly stated as gods. The OT, written in an ancient form of Hebrew has numerous names for "god." The one that is supposed to represent "The Creator" is YHWH, which translates roughly as "He who must not be named." Interestingly, and I'm sure totally unrelated, there's a certain other fella who's name translates as such, and he didn't like Harry Potter (a "good wizard") very much.
When it comes to the New Testament, it seems that there is a completely new and different God from the OT. It is explained as a "New Covenant," and "God Changing" even though God (according to the Bible) says "I am unchanging."
The important point here is, "The Creator" (as so named in the Bible) is not necessarily the same as Source. It can be, but not necessarily. The Bible (OT) doesn't even say that the Creator is Source. Jesus seems to be talking about Source ("You are all the Children of God" AKA you are Split-Aparts from Source), but the OT doesn't say anything like that. We assume that the Creator is Source, but Source isn't even discussed at all in the Bible. The Creator created the Heavens and the Earth. What did The Creator use to create those things? Source. The potential difference between the two (at least in how it is taught, though not necessarily) is that we can be separated from a Creator (He Who Must Not Be Named), but we can't be separated from Source.
The Bible (the OT specifically) teaches that we are a separate entity from The Creator. Not only separate, but subordinate.
We take it on faith that that is true.
We can't be separated from Source.
-> Ergo, The Creator from the Bible Story (He Who Must Not Be Named) is not Source.
I suggest that anyone who believes they are fundamentally a separate entity from Source is under the greatest spell ever cast, from a book designed to set up a hierarchy (you can't set up a proper "Rulership" if everyone is Divine), to control a society; a book that ended up controlling the whole World for almost two millennia through a belief of a separation from Source, taken on faith and trust.
No possible chance of a spell there.
Agreed. Whether inspired by God or not, the Bible was written by humans, and thus susceptible to corruption, especially over time and multiple translations. Your comparison between OT and NT is spot on imo, and when one considers the Gnostic gospels, it's pretty clear that the 'god' of the OT and Source that Jesus spoke of are two different entities. At least two. Bottom line: people should be able to discuss the bible without risk of calumny or hue and cry. To adhere to dogma without rational discussion is the ultimate definition of being under a spell. Personally, I suspect that YHWH of OT was Satan, and his spell was weakened with the advent of the Christ Consciousness, an incarnation of All That Is. But that's just little old me...and I always liked fairy tales. But I know the difference between a parable and the truth.