Big Pharma will have their slave race of obedient minions which is all that will be left, and all that they want to be left. They want them unvaxxed and alive.
They've made enough $$ already.
He is relating what Yeadon told him and may be right. How would you know?
Maybe, okay. Probably, not so much. Who is Yeadon and why do you seem to trust his word? He appears on Infowars which is a known source for controlled opposition.
If pharma has made their money then why are they continuing to develop and promote further mRNA technologies?
Furthermore, we all know what happens to blue hats once they step foot on US soil. Wouldn't these
two men be dead for exposing the UNs 's plan?
I've followed Dr. Yeadon for nearly 3 years now. He is a semi-retired medical doctor who was VP and Chief Science officer for Pfizer for 16 years and was an allergy and respiratory researcher. He later co-founded a biotech firm that the Swiss drug maker Novartis purchased for around $325 million.
Clearly, he knows his stuff. He also had the courage to come forward under much pushback to report that Pfizer had made a dangerous and toxic product and that the vaccine trials needed to be halted.
I've collected many articles where he is featured. Here are a few:
On December 1, 2020, the ex-Pfizer head of respiratory research Dr. Michael Yeadon and the lung specialist and former head of the public health department Dr. Wolfgang Wodarg filed an application with the EMA, the European Medicine Agency responsible for EU-wide drug approval, for the immediate suspension of all SARS CoV 2 vaccine studies, in particular the BioNtech/Pfizer study on BNT162b (EudraCT number 2020-002641-42).
Dr. Mike Yeadon, a former Vice President and Chief Science Officer for Pfizer for 16 years, says that half or even "almost all" of tests for COVID are false positives. Dr. Yeadon also argues that the threshold for herd immunity may be much lower than previously thought, and may have been reached in many countries already.
Dr. Yeadon said, The clinical trials were fraudulent, the manufacturing was fraudulent, they didn’t do the proper R&D, they’ve not been tested, they are not safe and they don’t work. They are toxic and never would have worked. There are likely millions who have died from this…. The people who are doing this are ruthless and diabolical.
You asked, "If pharma has made their money then why are they continuing to develop and promote further mRNA technologies?"
I believe they have slightly under 2 years to stockpile money, assets, supplies, before "the NWO plan/reset" is implemented. Also, they are sick psychopaths and Megalomaniacs who enjoy killing people, using people and watching them suffer. They make these lethal viruses because they can. They can use them for the anti-vax holdouts if the FEMA incarceration plan is implemented.
You asked, "Furthermore, we all know what happens to blue hats once they step foot on US soil. Wouldn't these two men be dead for exposing the UNs 's plan?"
These men are both British, not American, but I don't know where they reside at this time.
This is about as Fake and gay as snake venom in the water.
Big pharma needs people dependent on their meds and services. Can't have them all dead.
I love how he add the 'no cure is available ' part. I guess my man never seen Jurassic Park, life will find a way.
If you say so.
Big Pharma will have their slave race of obedient minions which is all that will be left, and all that they want to be left. They want them unvaxxed and alive.
They've made enough $$ already.
He is relating what Yeadon told him and may be right. How would you know?
Fake and gay.
Maybe, okay. Probably, not so much. Who is Yeadon and why do you seem to trust his word? He appears on Infowars which is a known source for controlled opposition.
If pharma has made their money then why are they continuing to develop and promote further mRNA technologies?
Furthermore, we all know what happens to blue hats once they step foot on US soil. Wouldn't these two men be dead for exposing the UNs 's plan?
I've followed Dr. Yeadon for nearly 3 years now. He is a semi-retired medical doctor who was VP and Chief Science officer for Pfizer for 16 years and was an allergy and respiratory researcher. He later co-founded a biotech firm that the Swiss drug maker Novartis purchased for around $325 million.
Clearly, he knows his stuff. He also had the courage to come forward under much pushback to report that Pfizer had made a dangerous and toxic product and that the vaccine trials needed to be halted.
I've collected many articles where he is featured. Here are a few:
On December 1, 2020, the ex-Pfizer head of respiratory research Dr. Michael Yeadon and the lung specialist and former head of the public health department Dr. Wolfgang Wodarg filed an application with the EMA, the European Medicine Agency responsible for EU-wide drug approval, for the immediate suspension of all SARS CoV 2 vaccine studies, in particular the BioNtech/Pfizer study on BNT162b (EudraCT number 2020-002641-42).
Urgent petition for a stay of action in connection with the Clinical trials for Pfizer Biontech
Dr. Mike Yeadon, a former Vice President and Chief Science Officer for Pfizer for 16 years, says that half or even "almost all" of tests for COVID are false positives. Dr. Yeadon also argues that the threshold for herd immunity may be much lower than previously thought, and may have been reached in many countries already.
Former Pfizer VP & chief science officer: The pandemic is over, PCR tests yield false positives, Covid Vax Could Be Massive Depopulation Tool
Dr. Mike Yeadon: Latest Evidence of Premeditated Mass Murder by Lethal Injection
Dr. Yeadon said, The clinical trials were fraudulent, the manufacturing was fraudulent, they didn’t do the proper R&D, they’ve not been tested, they are not safe and they don’t work. They are toxic and never would have worked. There are likely millions who have died from this…. The people who are doing this are ruthless and diabolical.
COVID Vaccines Cause ‘Irreparable’ Damage to Kids’ Brains, Heart, Other Organs
To further answer your questions...
I believe they have slightly under 2 years to stockpile money, assets, supplies, before "the NWO plan/reset" is implemented. Also, they are sick psychopaths and Megalomaniacs who enjoy killing people, using people and watching them suffer. They make these lethal viruses because they can. They can use them for the anti-vax holdouts if the FEMA incarceration plan is implemented.
These men are both British, not American, but I don't know where they reside at this time.
I don't buy it. The NWO plan/reset was doomed the moment Trump won in 2016.