Colorado Baker Who Refused to Make 'Gender Transition' Cake Loses Appeal
A Colorado baker who refused to make a cake celebrating a “gender transition” has lost an appeal arguing that his decision was protected free speech. The Colorado Court of Appeals decided on Thursday that Jack Phillips and Masterpiece Cakeshop broke the la...
He is being harassed to advance an agenda. What is the agenda? The message here? It is Christians have no more rights to their beliefs in America. These perverse people who engage in sodomy and groom our children want to bankrupt this baker. Once again, it looks like he will appear before SCOTUS. The obvious question is why aren't the lower courts halting the most destructive movement/acts to any society?
It seems like it all started shortly after that Redford character moved there.
But manager at walmart can refuse service without cause.
any Red States left to snow ski in?...nvm, I'd prefer golfing anyway..
Hope he takes it all the way to SCOTUS.
Bake the cake. Make it look like shit. When they complain just say this is what i was inspired to bake. Now pay me $500 bitches.
All these bakers have it wrong. Just bake a cake and put Jesus loves you on it. Technically you baked the dang cake.
Unfortunately, if the business bakes cakes to the customer's order, this doesn't provide that. It would help if their policy was spelled out in their business charter. Amendments can be made to existing charters. The State is the creator of all registered businesses. Getting approval of the business charter would provide State protection.