Newsman’s old channel was 349 and this channel is now occupied by a network called TheFirst. DirectTV offers no explanation of what this channel is like they do all their others. Their lineup tonight:
6 PM. The Dana Show with Dana Loesch 7 PM. The Liz Wheeler Show 8 PM. Bill O’Reilly: No Spin News 9 PM. The Deep State Exposed! (special)
At 10 PM the last 3 shows repeat 3 times.
Then at 4 AM is a show called World Economic Forum Explained! 5 AM. Broken America: Economy In Peril 6 AM. America’s Worst Cities 7 AM. Joe Biden: 2-years of Failure 8 AM. repeat Broken America 9 AM. The Donald Trump Presidency
Then these shows repeat all through Saturday.
Now, the question is, is this a real based network or is it a network set up to distract the Patriot movement? Several of us should watch these programs and report back if they’re worth watching or if they’re a worthless distraction. The only thing that I find suspicious is that they gave Bill O’Reilly a show.
Yes. I subscribed to it years ago when it was a print magazine. Then I noticed it wasn't truthful at times. So I quit. Too many of them are controlled opposition. They give you enough truth to get you to follow them, then they slip in the propaganda.