Newsman’s old channel was 349 and this channel is now occupied by a network called TheFirst. DirectTV offers no explanation of what this channel is like they do all their others. Their lineup tonight:
6 PM. The Dana Show with Dana Loesch 7 PM. The Liz Wheeler Show 8 PM. Bill O’Reilly: No Spin News 9 PM. The Deep State Exposed! (special)
At 10 PM the last 3 shows repeat 3 times.
Then at 4 AM is a show called World Economic Forum Explained! 5 AM. Broken America: Economy In Peril 6 AM. America’s Worst Cities 7 AM. Joe Biden: 2-years of Failure 8 AM. repeat Broken America 9 AM. The Donald Trump Presidency
Then these shows repeat all through Saturday.
Now, the question is, is this a real based network or is it a network set up to distract the Patriot movement? Several of us should watch these programs and report back if they’re worth watching or if they’re a worthless distraction. The only thing that I find suspicious is that they gave Bill O’Reilly a show.
Streaming services have DVR. Some you have limits, some you don't, some you pay extra for, some it comes with the basic service. But most, if not all of them, have DVR. The content is just stored on their servers, not a physical box on your shelf.