Even CNBC's "Top Earners" list of yesterday:
TSLA +17.63(+11%)
AXP +16.43(+10.54%)
LHX +15.56(+7.92%)
None of those tickers on their list beat $GME yesterday.
Up 14% yesterday, yet 64% short volume yesterday. That is rare if not unheard of honestly.
There's no news stories to explain it. I wonder why? Would people would begin asking hard questions? They don't want you to know about GME for some strange reason.
If they did write an article they'd throw the usual "buy pressure from retail", or even suggesting some kind of imaginary coordinated action. When we all know that retail hardly has any impact on the price because Citadel internalizes most retail buys through their OTCs. There's no real price discovery. If there were, this would have ended long ago.
But 100 articles would be out the second GME drops 0.05%.
Part of GameStop new business model is NFTs. All news media are like NFT is stupid and has no real use! YET.. now Amazon announced they are going to start doing NFTs.
Wonder why Trump and Melania released NFTs, they seem to be pointing at something. Wonder what company that could be?
Wall Street is corrupt and markets are manipulated. GME is the one idiosyncratic risk stock that threatens to expose and destroy the corrupt Wall Street that the cabal uses to siphon the money out of us poors.
A list of Wall Street / hedge funds HFT algorithms:
High-Frequency Trading (HT) algorithms: These use high-speed computer systems and complex mathematical models to execute trades at very high speeds.
Statistical Arbitrage algorithms: These use statistical analysis and machine learning techniques to identify and profit from pricing inefficiencies in the market.
Market Making algorithms: These use mathematical models to determine the best prices at which to buy and sell securities, and to maintain a profitable spread between the bid and ask prices.
Algorithmic Portfolio Management: These use mathematical models to optimize a portfolio of assets to maximize returns while minimizing risk.
Trend-Following algorithms: These use historical market data and technical analysis to identify trends in the market and make trades accordingly.
News-Based Trading Algorithm: These use natural language processing and machine learning algorithms to analyze news articles and social media feeds to identify events that may impact the market.
Execution Algorithm: These are used to route and execute trades on multiple venues to achieve best execution results for the trader.
Risk Management Algorithm: These are used to help manage risk by adjusting trade size and position based on market conditions.
All of this can be solved by one simple trick: DRS and Book your shares.
I like your thinking anon.....like it a lot. Waiting a settle at CS on Monday hopefully....going into the book column...