hanzydog 5 points ago +5 / -0

agree....the 'its adreno' is idiotic.

hanzydog 2 points ago +2 / -0

At the end of the day, this transfer of wealth will be allowed to happen so IMO crash/no crash....don't think it matters. And I don't think the cabal will be able to interfere at all.

My theory is a crash is part of the 2020 stolen election disclosure which I would think would happen between now and next few weeks if there is to be a crash...don't see it happening under Trump.

100% agree with your 'long duration' comment too.

hanzydog 1 point ago +1 / -0

Absolutely! .....do not take my anger comment as a negative. I have seen some people saying that....I see it as a positive.

hanzydog 6 points ago +6 / -0

I agree with your conclusion. My observation was that he was unusually angry...like booking photo and assassination attempt angry for most of the debate. I don't think this was happenstance. My long theory is that there will be a seriously bad event(s) sometime between today and the election, like a devastating stock market crash and/or terrorist-type event tied to the massive illegal immigration. Either event or both, will anger the hell out of our country and of course this falls on Biden/Harris. This anger is what we need to create an awakening and shift for those asleep. IE...say you get the ever lovin shit kicked out of you 10 fold. Which candidate you going to turn to help find resolve? The angered, illegally-targeted, proven track record candidate or the constantly laughing, do-nothing and let-our-country-go-to-shit candidate? So yes, think the performance was definitely part of a larger plan indeed but the clock is also ticking....

hanzydog 1 point ago +1 / -0

Most AF people I have run into have been democrats....always found it extremely strange.....think you are onto something....

hanzydog 1 point ago +1 / -0

Based on the color font of 'DOGUE' and the leash....makes me think of the Godfather and what oranges symbolize in the movie.

hanzydog 3 points ago +3 / -0

No friends to speak of....only really interface with my severe TDS dad and stepmom. Never had a real good relationship with either but over the last few years did what I could to red pill them. They happily voted for Biden in 2020 and said they were voting for Biden this year too. When Biden bowed out, step mom said they were actually excited to vote for Harris. Totally blew my mind. She says 'most women are scared in the US' about Trump as prez regarding abortion. I said the only women screaming about abortion are old nasty hate-filled women no man would want to have sex with anyway...(Kathy Griffin/Rosie O' types....). Said I directed it at her which I absolutely did not, and she told me to never contact her again. My dad is a complete cuck too so he takes her side. May not be speaking to them again. I frankly could care less at this point.

hanzydog 2 points ago +2 / -0

If you are in the top 3 brokerages, I personally would not be worried.... I believe it is being 'made' to happen, thus if brokerages in general pull BS, moass doesn't happen...

hanzydog 3 points ago +3 / -0

1000 gr per hour continual dosage of remdesivir and get him on a ventilator nurse....STAT!

hanzydog 1 point ago +1 / -0

Let me know once it has a Q at the end of it's ticker....won't get on until then...

hanzydog 4 points ago +4 / -0

Excellent post as always. Its all connected as Edwin has laid out beautifully as well.

hanzydog 7 points ago +8 / -1

Can confirm our company uses it and my laptop it toast......my home pc running 10 is fine...

hanzydog 4 points ago +4 / -0

Wearing it around her ass and thighs too? Nice try.

hanzydog 2 points ago +2 / -0

My 'give-o-shit' meter is reading zero. These hollywood scumbags knew what was up and knowingly participated in the worst attack on our country...fuck him and his bullshit 'near-death' experience...too bad it was only an experience....

hanzydog 2 points ago +4 / -2

'Learn our COMMS.' Sounds like you missed some of those drops. Try to keep up.....

hanzydog 1 point ago +1 / -0

Just bought and drs'd some more today on this delicious dip which I know pisses off low iq shills like yourself. muh 'nOtHinG oF SubStAnce' response to everyone is seriously stale....might want to try another angle because that doesn't, and never has worked....

hanzydog 6 points ago +6 / -0

Solid post. It's all inter-related.....Trump, Q, Devolution and the GameStop movement. Just have to connect the dots people.....go here and dig in https://x.com/edwinbarnesc

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