Its almost to imagine how, but it seems to be quite a coincidence that PP is in the news twice within about two months.
Orher rhan those, I have NEVER heard of Paul Pelosi in the news before.
I know there was mention of another passenger with PP during the DUI. ".Trump lawyer implies Pelosi’s husband had a child in his vehicle the night he smashed his vehicle.The clue to the passenger is referencing Epstein Is & underage sex happening there.The lawyer uses the word “Concealed” to drop a clue of govt coverup "
Suddenly,, 2 months later PP is in the news again for the hammer attack.
Maybe DePape rented a child out to Paul and was angry that the child was taken away during Paul's DUI?
Guess that wouldn't explain how they got undressed.
What do you think. Any connection between events?
I think it would be very interesting if we could see the text messages on PP’s phone. Not that that will happen. I think he knew Depape. The think Depape has serious dirt of PP and they’re trying hard to cover it up.
When the LEO asks them to drop the hammer and Depape says “uh Nope” it sounds to me he was confident enough with the dirt he had on PP (whether it was drugs, sex with minors, etc) that he thought he was going to get away with breaking in. I think he was trying to blackmail him. Even in this situation where he broke in- he did not act like a “normal” nut job or criminal would. They would try to flee. They would drop the hammer. They’d cooperate, right? So he acts confident and invincible. Why? He risked being shot or tased. I think there is so much more.