Trying to change people's tiny little minds is one of the single most thankless, soul destroying, humanity eschewing, frustrating and technically difficult tasks one could possibly undertake due to humanity's vile mental proclivities.
People just want to believe what they want to believe, the truth, research and critical thought be damned. If you challenge it you get agro or a pathetic little sound-byte reply pretending to be a rebuttal.
I want to move to where there is maybe one other human in a 10 mile radius, apart from my girlfirend.
Trying to change people's tiny little minds is one of the single most thankless, soul destroying, humanity eschewing, frustrating and technically difficult tasks one could possibly undertake due to humanity's vile mental proclivities.
People just want to believe what they want to believe, the truth, research and critical thought be damned. If you challenge it you get agro or a pathetic little sound-byte reply pretending to be a rebuttal.
I want to move to where there is maybe one other human in a 10 mile radius, apart from my girlfirend.
THIS is the reason AI will destroy humanity.