It's now MORE expensive per mile to drive an electric vehicle than a regular gas engine car
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ALWAYS WILL BE! Gas fluctuates in price but your gas vehicle will consistently get the same mileage over their life. An EV battery degrades over it's life and your distance lowers with every use. In addition, maintenance cost of a normal gas vehicle will always be cheaper than an EV. Go low-tech and simple and get a Chiltons manual for the gas vehicle and you can fix it yourself.
...valid observation...
The battery capacity will degrade, ie the amount of kWh you’ll be able to get into it.
The eMPG will stay more or less the same throughout the car’s lifetime.
How is a new EV with 4 eMPG more expensive in fuel than a 10 year old EV with 4 eMPG?
Just to make a subtle clarification, while it is true that an EV's battery will degrade over time, it's mainly a loss of capacity rather than a loss of efficiency. A battery at 80% of its original capacity will cost 80% of what it originally cost to charge to full, because you're putting less energy into it. The range is reduced, but the cost per mile driven isn't really different.
Technically, a degraded battery's internal resistance will have increased from when it was new, but it's a relatively modest change. The increase in resistive losses would be hard to notice compared to major losses like aerodynamics.