Yeah, the river bed.... Naw I don't mind the nerdery. I was just showing how I described it in very easy terms, for people who aren't going to pursue study. I took Vocational Electronics in 91 as I needed a positive change in my life after an on the job injury, then divorce. I did quite well finishing a 1200 hour 3 semester program in 2 semesters and 800 hours. I enjoyed learning it even though I never worked in it.
They taught us far more than we needed to know Boolean Alger bra, Karnaugh Mapping assembly coding where we had to expand the memory of an 8088 computer that had a breadboard then write code to address the extra memory. All kinds of stuff.
They taught us about a Nibble (Half a byte) and back in those days an MB was megabyte while mb was megabit, etc...
How to change numbers back and forth on paper between binary, hexadecimal, and base 10.
Yeah, the river bed.... Naw I don't mind the nerdery. I was just showing how I described it in very easy terms, for people who aren't going to pursue study. I took Vocational Electronics in 91 as I needed a positive change in my life after an on the job injury, then divorce. I did quite well finishing a 1200 hour 3 semester program in 2 semesters and 800 hours. I enjoyed learning it even though I never worked in it.
They taught us far more than we needed to know Boolean Alger bra, Karnaugh Mapping assembly coding where we had to expand the memory of an 8088 computer that had a breadboard then write code to address the extra memory. All kinds of stuff.
They taught us about a Nibble (Half a byte) and back in those days an MB was megabyte while mb was megabit, etc...
How to change numbers back and forth on paper between binary, hexadecimal, and base 10.