Never forget-Fight for them
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We’ve seen a lot of small time arrests and convictions for child trafficking. Still waiting for the big name arrests and trials.
WHY Are They feeding us Aborted Fetus Cells? HEK293 is in everything made by the Biggest Food and Medical industries, even in ALL the vaccines as a thumb in our eye. serves no purpose The Christian media is swarming with accusations that Senomyx, a San Diego-based research and development company, whose clients include food heavy-hitters Nestle, Campbell's Soup, Kraft Foods, and PepsiCo, is conducting research with HEK293, originally derived from human embryonic kidney cells.
Hard to look at. Makes my blood enraged and boiled.
Real proof is starting to come out. Yesterday, a Telegram channel posted an Epstein Island torture vid -- with more coming. 5 seconds was all I could take. Young female staked out and a blow torch. May God and our brave Military kill every one of these demons.
Why is GOD spelled with a Q?
It’s not. I think they were just trying to let folks know they were Q