The dancing nurses were so WTF level bizarre and twilight zone-esque, I’ve seriously wondered if they were intentionally trying to get the truth out to the public by “telling us without telling us”. I honestly can’t think of any other motivation for doing that in light of the 24/7/365 onslaught of existential panic-porn we were being force fed through the MSM firehose.
I’ve thought that as well but it seems too shrewd for them. I think if it was intended as a subversive undermining of the narrative, there would have been more forms of subtle resistance and more anonymous whistleblower videos of empty hospitals. And in interviews there would have been more hesitation in their answers.
Well if you’re correct, then I just simply don’t get it. Why would they do that? The only other alternative explanation that comes to my mind is that all those nurses are sociopaths and just got a big kick out of the grift and rubbing it in our faces in the most weird way possible.
I think they are fairly typical social media narcissists who like dancing and twerking on the Internet for attention and approval. There are plenty of young women out there like that, and nurses are generally known to be “crazy” - hyper-sexual in bed but totally emotionally chaotic and co-dependent. For them, Covid was an opportunity to be seen as “heroes” and “the greatest people of all” (narcissism, attention, and approval). And typical of young women like that, they immediately converted their newfound hero role into what they do best: shaking their ass for men. I also think they justified it as a morale boost during the pandemic, and then beyond that it was a fad like anything else, and young women are notorious for falling for every new fad as long as it has a big enough marketing push (the entire fashion industry relies on this).
The dancing nurses were so WTF level bizarre and twilight zone-esque, I’ve seriously wondered if they were intentionally trying to get the truth out to the public by “telling us without telling us”. I honestly can’t think of any other motivation for doing that in light of the 24/7/365 onslaught of existential panic-porn we were being force fed through the MSM firehose.
I’ve thought that as well but it seems too shrewd for them. I think if it was intended as a subversive undermining of the narrative, there would have been more forms of subtle resistance and more anonymous whistleblower videos of empty hospitals. And in interviews there would have been more hesitation in their answers.
Well if you’re correct, then I just simply don’t get it. Why would they do that? The only other alternative explanation that comes to my mind is that all those nurses are sociopaths and just got a big kick out of the grift and rubbing it in our faces in the most weird way possible.
I think they are fairly typical social media narcissists who like dancing and twerking on the Internet for attention and approval. There are plenty of young women out there like that, and nurses are generally known to be “crazy” - hyper-sexual in bed but totally emotionally chaotic and co-dependent. For them, Covid was an opportunity to be seen as “heroes” and “the greatest people of all” (narcissism, attention, and approval). And typical of young women like that, they immediately converted their newfound hero role into what they do best: shaking their ass for men. I also think they justified it as a morale boost during the pandemic, and then beyond that it was a fad like anything else, and young women are notorious for falling for every new fad as long as it has a big enough marketing push (the entire fashion industry relies on this).
Well shit that was some good Occam’s Razor wielding lol.