Super cut montage, 5 minutes long, begins 53 seconds into the video...
01/30/23 / The Lindell Report
Mike Lindell's first appearance on Jimmy Kimmel Live! 4 months ago. 4.5 million views. (18 minutes, 30 seconds)
Link below to original post from yesterday on Lindell's upcoming appearance on Jimmy Kimmel Live!
Some strong negative opinions about Lindell agreeing to be interviewed from inside a claw machine.
That smug prick Kimmel is chortling to himself as he makes Lindell humiliate himself to be on the show. Yes, it's all a joke, but a big part of the joke is Lindell himself from Kimmel's point of view.
Mike loses a little respect in my eyes, just for have any interaction with Kimmel.
Yeah, it's a mistake.